
We were the first Choir of our kind to broadcast weekly webcasts of our services. Find our most recent live recordings here.

Recorded on
20 November 2021
  • Responses and Preces: Rose
  • Psalm 104 vv.1-10 (tone iii)
  • Readings: Genesis 45.1-15, John 20.19-23
  • Kennedy (Worcester Service)
  • Biebl: Ave Maria
  • Voluntary: Franck Choral no.1 in E major
Recorded on
14 November 2021
  • Psalm 130 (tone iv)
  • Gabriel Fauré -Requiem Op.48
  • Preacher: The Dean
  • Douglas Guest: For the Fallen
Recorded on
30 October 2021
  • Responses and Preces: Shephard
  • Psalm 139 vv. 1-18, 23-24 (Skeats)
  • Readings: Genesis 1.8–19, Mark 4.35-41
  • Howells (St Paul's Service)
  • Elgar: Give Unto the Lord
  • Hymn 252 (Descant: Robinson)
  • Voluntary: Elgar, Allegro Maestoso (Sonata in G)
Recorded on
20 October 2021
  • Responses and Preces: Rose
  • Psalm 103 vv.1-11 (tone viii)
  • Moore (Second Service)
  • Comeau: Vanity of Vanities
Recorded on
7 October 2021
  • Responses and Preces: Ayleward
  • Psalm 88 vv.1-9 (Prendergast)
  • Weelkes (Sixth Service)
  • Tye: Praise ye the Lord, ye Children
  • Hymn 476
Recorded on
9 October 2021
  • Responses and Preces: Clucas
  • Psalm 46 (Luther)
  • Readings: Genesis 1.1–2.1, John 1.1–5
  • Murrill in E
  • Chesnokov: Let my prayer arise (Да исправится молитва моя)
  • Hymn 478 (Descant: Gower)
  • Voluntary: Alain  Litanies
Recorded on
1 May 2021
  • Harris: Holy is the true light
  • Responses and Preces: Radcliffe
  • Psalm 149 (Stanford)
  • Antiphon: Qui vult venire post me
  • Jackon: Evening Service in G
  • Bullock: Give us the wings of faith
  • Vierne: Final (Symphonie I)
Recorded on
20 March 2021
  • Responses and Preces: Plainsong
  • Psalm 28 (Howells)
  • Weelkes: Sixth Service
  • Finzi: Lo, the full, final sacrifice
  • Bach: Fugue in B minor, BWV 544ii
Recorded on
15 November 2020
  • Responses and Preces: Tallis
  • Psalm 78 vv. 1-8
  • Lassus: Magnificat tertii toni
  • Nunc Dimittis tertii toni
  • Sheppard: In Pace
  • Preacher: The Chaplain
  • Byrd: Fantasia in G major
Recorded on
8 November 2020
  • Maurice Duruflé: Requiem Op. 9
  • Douglas Guest: For the Fallen
Recorded on
25 October 2020
  • Responses and Preces: Rose
  • Psalm 119 vv. 33-40 (tone viii)
  • Kennedy: Worcester Service
  • Biebl: Ave Maria
  • Preacher: The Dean
  • Bach: Prelude and Fugue in G major, BWV 541


Recorded on
18 October 2020
  • Responses and Preces: Ayleward
  • Psalm 90 vv. 1-12 (Hylton Stewart)
  • Stanford in A
  • Bullock: Give Us the Wings of Faith
  • Preacher: The Dean
  • Howells: Rhapsody No. 1 in D flat major
Recorded on
6 October 2020

This webcast is the first service of the 2020/21 academic year, and the first Choral Evensong to be sung since 13th March. It therefore marks the end of an extraordinary period of silence in the Chapel's history, and the start of a very exciting, if challenging, new term.

Recorded on
23 February 2020



  • Responses: Tomkins (Peterhouse)
  • Psalm 109 (omit vv. 5-19) (Barnby, Hylton Stewart)
  • Stanford in B flat
  • MacMillan: O give thanks unto the Lord
  • Hymns 341, 461 (tune: Corvedale)
  • Preacher: Professor Deborah Howard - Professors Professing: The Human search for God - Architecture
  • Voluntary: Allegro Maestoso (Sonata in G) - Elgar
Recorded on
13 February 2020

Responses and Preces: Rose
Psalm 68 vv.1-10 (Woodward)
Jackson in G
Howells: Like as the hart
Hymn: Christ Triumphant (Guiting Power)

Recorded on
2 February 2020

Responses and Preces: Clucas 
Psalm 122 (Atkins)
Antiphon: Hodie beata Virgo Maria
Kelly in C
Pott: There is no rose
Hymns 393, 360
Preacher: The Vice-Master, Professor Tim Whitmarsh Professors Professing: The Human search for God – Classics
Voluntary: J.S. Bach Toccata in F major (BWV 540i)

Recorded on
25 January 2020

This service paid tribute to and celebrated the life and work of Professor Sir Christopher Martin Dobson, who was Master of St John's from 2007-2019.

Recorded on
19 January 2020

This candlelit service of readings and music celebrates the season of Epiphany.

Recorded on
1 December 2019

This week's webcast is our own recording of the Advent Carol Service, broadcast live on BBC Radio 3 on 1 December 2019.

The service includes a selection of readings, prayers and music for the season of Advent.

Recorded on
2 November 2019

This week's webcast is taken from a Eucharist commemorating All Souls departed.

Recorded on
10 November 2019

This week's webcast is the Eucharist held in memory of the fallen of both World Wars and all subsequent conflicts. The Choir sings Duruflé's masterful and moving setting of the Requiem featuring the treatment and weaving-in of traditional plainsong themes amongst his characteristic harmony.

Recorded on
9 October 2019

Responses and Preces: Rose
Psalm 46 (tone v)
Lassus: Magnificat tertii toni
Nunc Dimittis tertii toni
Boyce: The Lord is King

Recorded on
20 October 2019


Responses and Preces: Radcliffe
Psalm 102 vv. 1–16 (Macpherson, Wesley)
Murrill in E
Purcell: Rejoice in the Lord alway
Hymns (NEH): 359 (tune 322), 265
Preacher: The Rev’d Canon Leanne Roberts, Canon Treasurer, Southwark Cathedral 
                     Not in Polite Society – Class
Voluntary: Pott  Laudes

Recorded on
12 July 2019


Introit: Howells A Hymn for St Cecilia
Responses and Preces: Radcliffe
Psalm 139 vv. 1–18, 23–24 (Skeats)
Stanford in C
Tavener: The Lord’s Prayer
Parry: Hear my words, ye people
Hymn 408(i)
Voluntary: Parry Fantasia and Fugue in G

Recorded on
18 May 2019


Responses and Preces: Radcliffe
Psalm 90 (Hylton Stewart, Thalben-Ball)
Walton: Chichester Service
Tavener: The Lord’s Prayer
Bernstein: Chichester Psalms
Hymn 112 
Voluntary: Widor  Finale (Symphony Romane)



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Latest release

Black background with a bright white and red rose
July 2024

Continuing their Magnificat series, and the last album of Andrew Nethsingha’s tenure as director, The Choir of St John’s College Cambridge present Magnificat 4 with works from composers including Judith Weir, Jonathan Dove, Joanna Forbes L’Estrange and Charles Villiers Stanford.

Latest news

Friday, July 12, marks the release of Magnificat 4, the final installment in Andrew Nethsingha's extraordinary legacy of recordings with The Choir of St John's College, Cambridge. This release not only includes new commissions and pieces written for the Choir of St John's College, but also signifies the end of a monumental chapter in its history.

The commitment, projection and natural energy of this choir have never failed to inspire me

Organists’ Review