Music by Maurice Duruflé

Music by Maurice Duruflé

Music by Maurice Duruflé
Director of Music: 
George Guest
Organ Scholar: 
Stephen Cleobury
Release date: 
January 1975
  • Christopher Keyte (Bass)
  • Robert King (Treble)
  • Derek Simpson (Cello)
Record label: 
Catalogue number: 
Argo ZRG 787
Building a Library First Choice
BBC Music Magazine
March 2003

We were all delighted that this recording received the approbation of the composer, who wrote to George Guest as follows:

Paris 3 Avril 1978

Cher Monsieur,

La Direction de la firme "Decca Records" a bien voulu me communiquer votre adresse. Je suis heureux de vous adresser mes remerciements et mes vives félicitations pour l'excellent enregistrement que vous avez bien voulu faire de mon Requiem. J'en ai beaucoup apprécié les qualités d'exécution, d'intérprétation et de prise de son.

Si vous avez la possibilité de diriger á nouveau mon Requiem dans l'avenir, je me permettrai de vous informer que je préfère que les solos de Baryton soient chantés par toutes les basses et les seconds ténors. C'est une erreur de ma part d'avoir confié ces quelques mesures à un soliste.

Avec encore tous mes remerciements, veuillez agréer, cher Monsieur, l'expression de mes meilleurs sentiments.

M. Duruflé, 6 Place du Panthéon, 75005 Paris, Paris 3 April 1978

Dear Sir,

The management of Decca Records has been kind enough to give me your address. It gives me great pleasure to send you my thanks and my sincere congratulations for the excellent recording which you have been good enough to make of my Requiem. I greatly appreciate the qualities of execution, of interpretation and of the sound recording.

If you have any occassion to direct my Requiem again in the future, can I tell you that I prefer that the Baritone solos be sung by all the basses and the second tenors. It is a mistake on my part to have entrusted these few bars to a soloist.

Again with all my thanks etc. etc.

This disc is available as part of the Decca Classics Box Set of George Guest's recordings with St John's. More information on the set is available here.

The Decca re-release of this recording was given First Choice in BBC Radio 3's 'Building a Library' (March 2003).

Track list

  1. Requiem Mass
  2. Prélude et Fugue, for organ


I greatly appreciate the qualities of execution, of interpretation and of the sound recording

Maurice Duruflé

Here's almost two and a half hours of bliss. These are recordings to set aside for the time when, as the prayer says, 'the busy world is hushed'

Decca re-release, Gramophone (2010)

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9 March 2024


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